

‘Confessor of the Russian Diaspora’: The Legacy of St Jonah of Hankou in Manchuria. Written by Mrs Z. Gradova

Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko: “Just as a cellphone needs to be recharged, so is the soul recharged in church.”

Trip to Serbia by an Orthodox choir from Australia

The Trampling of the World's Constitutional Laws Led to the Prohibition of the Canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Archpriest Serafim Gan: “May the Memory and Example of St Tikhon Strengthen the Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Their Steadfastness in the Truth of God”

An American in Germany (for a week) by Ariadna Gill

Speech by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, at the solemn joint session of the Holy Synods of Bishops of the Serbian and Russian Orthodox Churches Outside of Russia in Sremski Karlovci

The Relationship of the Serbian Orthodox Church to the ROCOR: 1920-1941 Fr Nikolaj L Kostur,  2005

Metropolitan NICHOLAS of Eastern America and New York: "We Have No Other Way But the Way of the Cross!" (Paschal interview with the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia from the newspaper "Russian Life")

"Serbian Orthodoxy is Filled with Warmth, Love, Joy"

A Spirit of Chastity Grant Unto Me Thy Servant (From the Lenten prayer of St. Ephraim of Syria)

Archpriest Yaroslav Belikov: Forgiveness Sunday

Forgiveness Sunday - Priest Valery Mikheev

"HE BECAME A SECOND FATHER TO ME, AND A GRANDFATHER TO MY CHILDREN" In memory of Archimandrite Cyprian (Pyzhov) Protodeacon Joseph Jarostchuk

Metropolitan Mark (Arndt): “We have to pray and fast in order to grow the Holy Land in ourselves”

Metropolitan Mark (Arndt): “We try to point out that European norms are not being followed with respect to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church”


Interview with Nun Manefa (Sizintseva) on Ascension of the Lord Convent on the Mt of Olives

Bethany School: “We try to maintain normalcy amidst the war” A talk with Mother Maria (Wall) head of Bethany School, Israel - Dmitry Zlodorev, Mother Maria (Wall)

The 30th North American Church Music Conference in Ottawa

Metropolitan Anastassy (Gribanovsky) and his legacy. On the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of His Birth

Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky): “We Will Live! There Have Been Harder Times.” Interview with the Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem (Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia) on the current situation. By Dimitry Zlodarev

Sermon of Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe on the Feast of the Mother of God, ‘Joy of All Who Sorrow’

"Who are we?" That’s what the long-awaited All-Diaspora Youth Conference will be about

The Gold Coast Christians - Fr. Alexander Paramonov

SERVICE To our Father among the saints, Jonah, Bishop of Hankou, Wonderworker

The Lord Keepeth All Their Bones, Not One of Them Shall Be Broken Account of the uncovering of the relics of St. John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai and San Francisco - Reader Vladimir Krassovsky

"BEFORE YOU IS THE MOTHER OF GOD AND THE SAINTS. REPENT! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Vladimir Krassovsky on St John of Shanghai and the discovery of his relics

Message from the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad on events at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY

Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville has trained some 300 pastors Interview with His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern American and New York

Decree of Archbishop John (Maksimovich) of Brussels and Western Europe on the Commemoration of Archbishop Vitaly (Maksimenko)

Archpriest Serge Ledkovsky: "The Feast of the Baptism of Rus is a Symbol of Our Unity"

Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) on Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga and Vladimir

Defeating the Slavery of “Bad Habits” Bishop Irenei (Steenberg)

‘Simple Faith, Simple Trust, Simple Obedience, Simple Love’: Sermon of Bishop Irenei of London on the Feastday of St John the Wonderworker, 2023

Sermon on the Sunday of All Saints of the Russian Land Bishop John of Caracas and South America

Commencement Speech by Archpriest Peter Perekrestov at Holy Trinity Seminary (28 May 2023)

Metropolitan Mark (Arndt): "The Danger Is That Attempts Will Be Made to Completely Destroy the Church in Ukraine"

His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York: “The Most Important Thing is to Provide Youth with an Example of Good Christian Living” Interview with Russkaya zhizn’ [Russian Life]


Metropolitan Antony (Pakanich) of Borispol and Brovary: Why Do We Need the Lavra?

Bishop Theodosius of Seattle on the Tragic Events at Kievan Lavra of the Caves

The American Conservative on the crisis at Kiev Pechersk Lavra: "Our Tax Dollars Are Used to Pay for Religious Persecution"

Archpriest Serafim Gan says order for Ukrainian Orthodox Church monks to leave iconic Kiev Monastery is a "Flagrant Violation"

His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus' Address at a Reception for His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and All Ukraine (Towards the 15th anniversary of his repose.)

"VLADYKA LAURUS AND THE SEMINARY HELPED ME TO SENSE THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE HOLY FATHERS" Archpriest Victor Potapov on the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Metropolitan Laurus and his studies in Jordanville.

The Orthodox Church of Christ begins Great Lent

ORTHODOXY IN AMERICA - A Russian-language interview with Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

My Experiences at Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, USA - Archpriest Peter Jackson

The Primate of the Church in Montenegro: The Ukrainian Regime is Persecuting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Next Stop: Michigan A Branch of the Prince Vladimir Youth Association Established in Ann Arbor

Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany on the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

“Metropolitan Hilarion was humble, but in Church matters he was firm as a rock” Metropolitan Mark (Arndt)

Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany: The Situation with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Echoes the Persecution of the Early Christians

Interview with Archpriest Ilya Limberger on St Nicholas Church in Stuttgart

“Confirm Thy Church” Towards the 35th anniversary of the repose of Bishop Nikandor (Paderin) and the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Harbin Diocese.

“There Was Something Otherworldly in the Primates of the Russian Diaspora” Stories about the seven First Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Interview with Liudmila Selinsky

Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York delivers his first sermon as Primate

Biography of Bishop Nicholas, newly-elected Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

In Memory of Bishop Alexander (Mileant) of South America

Metropolitan Kallistos Ware: "ROCOR’s Emphasis On Ascetic and Liturgical Tradition is Very Much Needed Today"

A glorious Abbess from Kaluga heads St Mary Magdalene Convent in Jerusalem

“He was always an optimist, and he transmitted his optimism to us” Reminiscences about Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) by his relatives

We Have No Other Church, Nor Do We Have Any Other Russia

Archpriest Andrei Sommer: "Our youth will build the future of their parishes"

"For Us on Earth – a Loss, for the Heavens – a Gain" - On the Death of Metropolitan Hilarion

Metropolitan Hilarion (+16 May 2022): ‘We Rejoiced that We Had Attained Unity’.


“IT WAS IMPORTANT TO WAIT FOR THE RIGHT MOMENT, WITH NEITHER HASTE NOR DELAY” Archpriest Andrei Sommer on the 15th anniversary of the reunification of the Russian Church

Archpriest Michael Protopopov: A Russian Presence (towards the 50th anniversary of clerical service)

"Holy Images en Route": How the Wonderworking Icons traveled during the Pandemic

Metropolitan Mark: We May Become Witnesses of a New Great Persecution of Christians

Archpriest Victor Potapov: We Made a Solemn Promise to Pray in Front of Relics of the Kiev Caves Saints Until End of Conflict in Ukraine

Metropolitan Mark of Berlin & Germany: “What is Happening between Russia and Ukraine is Heartbreaking.”

Archpriest Victor Potapov: "We Began Collecting Money for Those in Need in Ukraine Right Away"

A Fund With Time to Spare for Other People's Problems

An Isle of Orthodox Russia in France - The History of Archangel Michael Church in Cannes by Priest Antony Odaysky (in Russian)

All North American Youth Conference - Building a church from the inside out. Parish youth internship as a life choice.

An Intellectual Feast in Serbia


Archpriest VICTOR POTAPOV: “THE LORD HELPED US OBTAIN UNITY OF THE CHURCH” On the 15th anniversary of the All-Diaspora Council

About Our Unity in Disunity and Value of Historical Studies - Interview with Deacon Andrei Psarev, Professor at Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY


Speech by Archimandrite Job (Bandmann) upon his nomination as Bishop of Stuttgart, Vicar of the German Diocese

Biography of Archimandrite Job (Bandmann), Selected as Bishop of Stuttgart

Congratulatory Message on the 100th Birthday of Protopresbyter Elias Wen (on the 125th anniversary of his birth)


Alexei Slobodskoy: On the 50th Anniversary of Father Seraphim Slobodskoy’s Repose

Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy - On the Fiftieth Anniversary of His Passing - Archpriest A. Papkov

Father Seraphim Slobodskoy (1912-1971)


The Life of Archimandrite Iov (Kotenko)

The Freedom of the Children of God

Priest Georges Machtalere: “We Christians Must Make the World a Better Place”

90th Anniversary of the Repose of Holy Hierarch Jonah of Hankou

Bishop Theoctist: "The outlook for Orthodox missionary work in America is very promising"

A Creative Experiment that Helped the Parish to Connect in Pandemic Times and Beyond

Metropolitan Hilarion: It is Very Important That We Sense Ourselves in the Bosom of the One Russian Church

Father Serafim Gan: “St Seraphim is the Master of our Parish, We See It Everywhere” - Dmitry Zlodorev

Elders of the Russian Church Abroad: Bishop Nektary (Kontzevitch). Part 1 - Stories from Matushka Maria Kotar

Nicholas II Choir

Towards the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia: The First Mother of Russian Gethsemane

Sergei Kalfov: "On the Day St John Died, He Prayed for a Long Time in the Altar"

Report on the South American Diocese of the Russian Church Abroad

A “MISTAKE” IN THE LIFE OF ST JOHN OF SHANGHAI - A story from Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko

“For Jesus’ Sake, Not to Have Some Bread to Taste” Archpriest Andrei Sommer On Outstanding Personalities of the Russian Church Abroad. Part 2 - Archpriest Andrei Sommer

Archpriest George Larin: “I Think of the Joy of Knowing St John of Shanghai My Whole Life” (Part II)

How Metropolitan Laurus and I Dug Up Potatoes Archpriest Andrei Sommer On Outstanding Personalities of the Russian Church Abroad Part 1 Olga Rozhneva, Archpriest Andrei Sommer

“I’m Wearing a Stupid Costume While 800 People are Watching Me.” How an Actor Died and a Priest Was Born.

Archpriest George Larin: “I Think of the Joy of Knowing St John of Shanghai My Whole Life” (Part I)

"He Went to His Cell, We Played Rock-and-Roll": St John of Shanghai Was a Father to Americans. A Russian-language item on St John of Shanghai and San Francisco is posted on pravmir.ru.

Metropolitan Hilarion: “The New Martyrs Show Us How to Live Under Persecution”

The Supreme Ecclesiastical Administration Abroad in Constantinople

Metropolitan Hilarion: "I Love My (Australian) Flock As My Family and Always Pray For Them" A Russian-language interview with His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, Ruling Bishop of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand.

“Fr Kyprian Died, and We Suddenly Got Gifts From Him!” An unusual story from the life of the main icon-painter of the Russian diaspora.

Archpriest Serafim Gan and Nicholas Ganson: Grains of Wisdom and Piety: A Spiritual Treasury of the Russian Church Abroad (on the 100th Anniversary of Its Founding)

Archbishop Gabriel: Towards the Prayerful Commemoration of Tsar Paul I Petrovich

The Life and Path of Metropolitan Laurus (+3/16 March 2008)

Interview with Protodeacon Nicolas and Matushka Nadezhda Mokhoff

How the Author of “The Law of God” Won Over an American Banker


Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York: “If There is Prayer and Repentance, the Lord Will Pour Forth His Grace”

Metropolitan Hilarion: "The Diocese Grew Before My Eyes"

The Russian Church Abroad has yet to schedule centennial celebrations and pilgrimages as COVID-19 eases: First Hierarch

Archpriest George Larin: “The Kursk Icon of the Mother of God Protects Us, Not We the Icon”

The Hodigitria visits the nation's capital

Archpriest Rostislav Gan and His Correspondence with the Russians of Mt Athos

History of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia from Its Beginning to the Present (1983)



Metropolitan Amphilohije in Argentina

A CONVERSATION WITH THE JORDANVILLE SEMINARY DEAN - Nicolas G. Schidlovsky speaks with the HTS Alumni

Russian Bazaar Surprise in Washington DC

Bishop Nicholas on the US elections: “Everything Must Be Done With Prayer”

"The Wanderer Icon" - An Interview with Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan

In Memory of Archimandrite Sergei (Romberg, +1992)

Memories of Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) of the “Great Russian Exodus”

Youth to Return to Parishes

Russian-language Interview with Mother Maria (Wall), Head of Orthodox Bethany School


Had God Preserved the Bethlehem Infants, They Could Have Crucified Him

“I Saw Some Kind of Garbage Around Me and Saw It Was My Prayers” A Russian Protodeacon from the USA contracts coronavirus.

Australia's male choir featured in the online periodical Unification

The Glorification of St Herman of Alaska, 1970

The Belgrade Nightingales. A Russian Choir in London, 1939-1940 Nicolas Mabin

An Abbot and Psychologist in the USA: America is in a pre-revolutionary situation like Russia was in 1917

Holy Martyr Alexander Schmorell of Munich

The “Family” of St John of Kronstadt



What’s Happening in New York? An American Priest on the Protests, Violence and Pandemic

“How Many Lives Can be Saved…” In Memory of Archbishop Agapit of Stuttgart († 5/28/20) Olga Orlova

“Russian Churches Weren’t Damaged, But We Are Very Worried About Safety” Burnings, lootings or peaceful demonstrations

Speech by Archbishop Laurus of Syracuse and Holy Trinity during the presentation of the staff to the newly-consecrated Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart


A Russian Priest in New York Witnessed the 911 Terror Attacks and Is Now in the Pandemic Epicenter. He Talks About His Experiences.

The Life of the Russian Church Abroad in Germany during the COVID epidemic Interview with Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany - Maksim Buchnev

History of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia from Its Beginning to the Present (1983)

St. John (Maximovitch): Nothing Strikes Fear in the Person Whose Hope is in God

Sixty Years of Service to the People of God: The ROCOR Fund for Assistance, 1959-2019

The Coronavirus and Practical Measures, by Archpriest James Baglien

Metropolitan Laurus: The Rusyn who Reunited the Russian Church

Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany: “Today’s Schism Risks Being More Serious than the Schism of 1054”

Was St. John (Maximovitch) a Schismatic? (Concerning the Statements of Metropolitan Emmanuel of Gaul) Bernard Le Caro

Address by Protopriest George Larin on the golden jubilee of his pastoral service to the Church of Christ

Protopriest Nikolai Dombrowski (+1979) Lent as a Divine Establishment and Spiritual Remedy

ROCOR: Patriarch Bartholomew is not free in his actions; there are forces behind him that are far from Christ’s Church - Archpriest Seraphim Gan

Priest John Whiteford: on the Actions of the Constantinople Patriarchate

On the Fate of the Canonical Church in Ukraine: The Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

“Brothers Gathered at the Convent to Serve the Mother of God”

The Spiritual Mission of the Traveling Miracle-Working Icon

Delegates speak about the pilgrimage of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign” to Kursk in 2018

The Primate of the Russian Church Abroad Notes That Constantinople Has No Right to Lift an Anathema from Ukrainian Churches

"Those who initiated autocephaly do not want peace in our land" Metropolitan Mitrophan of Gorlovka and Slavyansk

“THE RELICS OF VLADYKA JOHN ARE THE MOST-VISITED BY PILGRIMS IN THE USA” A conversation with Protopriest Peter Perekrestov

Opening of the Relics, and Glorification of St. John Maximovitch Archpriest Peter Perekrestov

ACT By the Commission on the Witness of the Uncorrupt Relics of St John, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco the Miracle-Worker (on the 25th anniversary of the translation of his relics)

On the 25th Anniversary of the Death of Archbishop Anthony (Bartoshevich) of Geneva and Western Europe

The Decline of the Patriarchate of Constantinople by St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco

Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna: Constantinople’s Position Willl Lead to the Fragmentation of the Pillars of Orthodoxy

My Life Story. Archbishop Alypy

A New Russian Orthodox Church in North Korea

Russian-language interview with Anna Zdanovich, Teacher at the Iconography School of the Moscow Theological Schools, on the Frescoes of the London Cathedral

In Memory of Archimandrite Vladimir (Sukhobok) on the 30th Anniversary of His Repose

"The Structure and Meaning of the All-Night Vigil Service." Excerpts from Russian-language Voice of America religious broadcasts of July-November 3, 1979.

Interview with Hieromonk Hilarion (Kapral), Future Primate of the Russian Church Abroad, 1979

Church is Comprised of People (Feast-day celebrations at SS Peter and Paul Church in Luxembourg, 2018)

“May There Be No Borders Between Our Peoples” Metropolitan Kirill Opens a Gathering of Orthodox Youth from Abroad

Russian-language radio broadcast by Protopriest Victor Potapov on Archbishop John (Maximovich) on "Religion in Our Lives"


To Contemplate or Create? In Memory of Protopriest Simeon Kichakov

Interview with Protopriest Victor Potapov on the life of St John the Baptist Cathedral in Washington, DC

The Life, Tears and Love of Ekaterina Gumeniuk: Stories of the Russian Diaspora Olga Rozhnyova

Greeting of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York on the consecration of a new monument to St Seraphim of Sarov in Novo-Diveevo Convent

“We Must Not Only Remember the Works of St Elizabeth, But Emulate Her”

The Life and History of Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY: Part One.

A Mission to Minsk of Prayer and Good Works

Truly He is Risen! How They Celebrate Pascha in America

PRECIOUS NUGGETS FROM THE LIFE OF HIS EMINENCE METROPOLITAN LAURUS On the 10th Anniversary of His Blessed Repose Protopriest Peter Perekrestov

Archpriest Viatcheslav Davidenko: Why would young people care to learn about a fourth-century saint?

Eternal Memory to Prince Vladimir Galitzine

Archimandrite Anastassy (Shvetsov-Zagarsky): Upon the Remnants of Holy Rus

Sermon by Bishop Nektary (Kontsevich) on the Canonization of the Holy New Martyrs at the Russian Orthodox Youth Conference of 1981

Looking Toward Unity: How the Russian Church Abroad Viewed the Patriarchate of Moscow, 1927-2007

“The Best Day of My Life”

"Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Archpastors of the Holy Council of Bishops

“Our Church is a Family” Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) on the Church Abroad and Preaching in the Diaspora

The Kursk-Root Icon of Our Lady of the Sign

Modern Methods of Youth Service Lecture by Protopriest Andrei Sommer at the International Conference “Voice of Apostle Andrew the First-Called in Today’s World” November 18-19, 2017 Patra, Greece

Discussion with His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada

The Athos of Munich Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart

Vladyka Knew Everything Recollections of a spiritual daughter of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco

A Big City and a Church Built by Little People

Protopriest Boris Ignatievsky: “What People Need Most Is Help From Above”

The Primate of ROCOR: “We Don’t Sense Animosity From Everyday Americans”

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: “I Don’t Want the Russian Church Abroad to Lose Its Identity”


Vladyka Laurus Truly Loved the Church

Practical Aspects of Observing Monastic Vows in an Urban Monastery

Patriarchal Epistle to the Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons, Monastics and the Faithful Flock of the Russian Orthodox Church on the 100th Anniversary of the All-Russian Council of 1917-1918

"Patriarch Tikhon, Revolution and a Century Later" – Lecture Presented by Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff at Symposium, Sydney, 14-17 July 2017.

St Seraphim Camp--A Genuine Triumph of Orthodoxy!"

"Our Saint Vladimir Memorial Church"

Protopriest Victor Potapov: “I Believe that the Reunification of the Church Was the Result of the Prayers of St John of Shanghai”

Metropolitan Vitaly (Oustinov): Memories of Russia

Plans and Projects at SS Peter and Paul Cathedral Interview with Protopriest George Lapardin

"The Unifier: St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco:" A Talk by Archpriest Victor Potapov


St John of San Francsico and the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God Part II of a Russian-language video

PRIEST GEORGE TEMIDIS: “I Always Feel Russian, Wherever I Am”

Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York on the Day of Orthodox Youth, Celebrated On the Sunday of All Saints

The Lenten Prayer - ‘of St Ephrem’? A Few Observations on a Varied Textual Tradition Rt. Revd. Prof Irenei, Bishop of Sacramento Delivered at the IV International Patristics Conference of the Postgraduate Institute of Sts. Athanasius and Methodius, Moscow: “St Ephrem of Syria and His Spiritual Heritage” 14th / 27th April 2017 Moscow

“I Was Three When I Met Vladyka Anastassy…” Transcript of an interview with Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky), Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia with Alexander Mramornov of the program Veliky Sobor, in Jerusalem.

Protopriest Andrei Sommer: “The Tragedy of a Hundred Years Ago Cannot Be Repeated”

An Inspired Wanderer from the Other Side of the Globe

“ONLY BY REMEMBERING OUR MARTYRS CAN WE BUILD THE FUTURE OF THE CHURCH” Archbishop Mark (Arndt) interviewed by Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov)

Life Without the Tsar On the 100th Anniversary of the February Revolution by Protopriest Alexander Lebedeff

Preserving Monastic Life Under Conditions of Persecution Abbess Maria (Sidiropoulo)

An Inspiring Week: Two Holy Trinity Seminary Professors in Moscow

Interview with Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America on RFK-TV (in Russian)

Interview with Deacon Andre Psarev on Radio Vera

Archbishop Nathaniel (Lvov, +1986): THE INFLUENCE OF ST SERAPHIM OF SAROV

Protopriest Ilya Limberger: On Social Ministry, Overall and in a Given Parish

“It is Time for Us to Understand the Meaning of Our Own History.” Interview with Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada

Protopriest Alexander Krassovsky (Santa Rosa, CA): “Vladyka Anthony Was a Great Man of Prayer Who Basked in Divine Services” (Towards the 60th Anniversary of the Episcopal Consecration of Archbishop Anthony [Medvedev])

In Memoriam: Archimandrite Innokenty (Bystrov) (To the 35th Anniversary of His Repose)

"Our Roots are in the Russian Church" – An Interview with Archimandrite Luke (Murianka)

Sermon by Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America as the Episcopal Staff Was Entrusted to Bishop Irenei of Sacramento

On the Translation of the Relics of Holy Martyrs Grand Duchess Elizabeth and Nun Barbara (Towards the 35th anniversary of their Canonization by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia)

Protopriest Serafim Gan: “If People Try to Fulfill the Gospel’s Commandments, the Nation Will Be Drawn to Unity and the Resolution of Many Problems.”

The Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign,” One of the Greatest Orthodox Icons, is Brought to Mordovia

Sermon by Newly-Consecration Bishop Irenei (Steenberg) of Sacramanto, Second Vicar of the Western American Diocese

Protopresbyter Alexander Kiselev: How the New Martyrs of Russia Were Glorified (to the 35th Anniversary of the Canonization)

“The Search for the True Church is Invaluable” Interview with American clergyman Protopriest Seraphim Bell

His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan gives an interview to the Russian-language TV station "Seim."

Bishop Theodosius of Seattle leads a pilgrimage to the holy sites of Greece - Antony Triantafillidis

Photo-report of a California Priest: The spiritual children of St John (Maximovich) on the celebration in San Francisco of his 50th anniversary of his repose

My Trip of a Lifetime

Eulogy for Protopriest Theodore Shevzoff by George Alexandrovich (Read at the Funeral Reception on June 15th, 2016)

Protopriest Theodore Shevtsov: Thoughts of a Priest of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad About Liturgical Communion with the Moscow Patriarchate

Vladimir Legoyda: let's not dramatize the Pan-Orthodox Council situation

Priest Mikhail Vladimirov: All Those Who Die at the Hands of Terrorists Are Innocents, Whomever They May Be

Statement of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

Nasha Gazeta Publishes a Russian-Language Article on the Exhibition Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of Elevation of the Cross Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland

The Life of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco By Bishop Alexander (Mileant, +2005)

From Jordanville Monastery to a Maximum Security Prison in Australia

St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Miracle-Worker: Sermon on Passion Week

Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany: “The Pan-Orthodox Council Should be Called a Conference.”

People Don't Fast Because They Don't Know the Meaning of Lent. Interview with Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany on the joy of Great Lent, by Monk Rafael (Popov).

The Interesting Voyage Known as “Great Lent”

From the Sermon of Metropolitan Laurus of Blessed Memory After Liturgy on the Day of Consecration of the Church in Butovo Square (May 19, 2007)

Russkaya zhizn’ Interviews Vladimir Krassovsky, Director of the Cathedral Choir in San Francisco

“Learn to See Each Other” Archbishop Mark (Arndt)

His Grace Bishop John of Caracas and South America: My Challenge is to Heal the Schism and Return the Flock and Our Churches.

In Memory of Fr Serge Poukh: Five Remarkable Stories

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: In Memioty of Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: Divine Liturgy Has Been Celebrated Daily in Our Cathedral for 50 Years

Protopriest Andrei Sommer’s Speech as Vice President of the Synodal Youth Department at the 5th World Congress of Compatriots Moscow, November 5-6, 2015

The Russian Orthodox Diaspora: Copenhagen 1987-1988

Video on the Opening of St Silouan of Athos Monastery in California

Archbishop Mark: “We Christians Are Not of This World and Should Not Adapt to It. We have one duty, to be Orthodox Christians.”

Take Your Cross and Follow Me! Thoughts on the pilgrimage by foot of the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America

The Piety of a Hierarch: On the 15th Anniversary of the Repose of Archbishop Anthony

From Russia to Russia

The Russian St Panteleimon Monastery on Holy Mt Athos in the Life of Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany

A Fund with Time to Spare for Other People’s Problems

The Transfiguration of the Lord

Theodore Georgievich Selinsky

Epistle of Metropolitan Anastassy (Gribanovsky) on the 950th Anniversary of the Baptism of Rus

Greeting by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York during Divine Liturgy at St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell, NJ

Ecclesiastical Obedience as a Deacon

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov's Russian-Language Instagrams

Fr. John Whiteford: Gay Marriage Decision: How do we Respond?

Prince Vladimir, Unifier of Peoples

Protopriest Serafim Gan: We Must Honor the Martyrs, Not Their Executioners

Protopriest Victor Potapov: Stalin Did Not Resurrect the Church, He Exploited It

ON THE MYSTERY OF THE EUCHARIST A Collection of Quotes - St John (Maximovich)

Problematic Sections Within the Normal Parish By-Laws - Archpriest Yaroslav Belikov

A California Presbyter’s Instagram: Friendly Clergymen, a Good Dog and a Cute Chipmunk

Interview with Protopriest Nikita Chemodakov

The Experience of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Enriches Our Whole Church

They Sang of Paschal Joy

A Reflection on the Lenten Pastoral Retreat of the Western American Diocese

The Last Priest of the Peking Mission A Conversation with Fr Michael Li

Interview with His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion with Australia’s Unification During the Pastoral Retreat of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand

Bishop George of Mayfield: “Church Life Isn’t Black and White”

Great Lent St John of Shanghai and San Francisco

Archimandrite Irinei (Steenberg): "One Thing Needful” The Significance of the Divine Liturgy in the Life of the Monastic Brotherhood

Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany on the Glorification of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia

We Thank the Lord

Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart: It Is Providential That During Ukraine’s Crisis, the Head of Its Church is His Beatitude Metropolitan Onouphry

The 23rd Liturgical Music Conference of the North American Diocese of the Russian Church Abroad

A Joyful Event for the Orthodox Christians of New York

“Russian America Began Here”


Jordanville update: How you touched lives at Holy Trinity Monastery

Parish Councils Provide an Opportunity for Conciliar Work Within the Russian Church Abroad

A New Measure of the Church

On Contemporary Monasticism: Interview with Archbishop Mark (Arndt) by Kristina Polyakova

"I Give Thanks to the Lord:" An Interview with Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan

Southern Cross

We Have Some Remarkable, Educated Priests. We Need to Start Setting Up Roundtables and Communicating with Them

Paschal Joy - Protopriest Victor Ilienko

Georgy Safonov: Useful Experience for Choir Directors and Singers

About God by Archbishop Nathanael (Lvov)

Sermon by Archbishop Savva (Raevsky, +1976) of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand on the Feast Day of Great Martyr George, Victory-Bearer and Miracle-Worker (Delivered at St George Church, Carleton, Sydney.)

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York: “It is a Joy to Be in Australia on Holy Pascha.” (Unification interviews the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia)

Radonitsa at the Russian Cemetery in Sydney

Pascha in the Western World

Metropolitan Kallistos Ware: “ROCOR’s Emphasis On Ascetic and Liturgical Tradition is Very Much Needed Today”

"The Divine Shines in His Eyes" In Memory of Metropolitan Laurus of Blessed Memory (+March 16, 2008)

What Can Our Youth Expect at the All-Diaspora Conference?

Discussion on Friday of the First Week of Great Lent Protopriest Alexander Elchaninoff (+1934): Preparing for Confession

Psalmodia - Ivan Gardner

Interview with His Grace Bishop Panteleimon of Orekhovo-Zuevsk, President of the Synodal Department of Church Charity and Social Work of the Russian Orthodox Church

“The People Opened Up Their Souls…” In this interview, Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America speaks about his November 2013 trip to Russia and Japan.

Archbishop John (Maximovich): Rules for Altar Boys

Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany: "Monastics Don't Just Fall From the Sky"

Church Conservatism in Today's Society

SPEECH BY METROPOLITAN HILARION OF EASTERN AMERICA AND NEW YORK Read at the End of Divine Liturgy at the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign” on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, the Feast Day of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign."


The View From Across the Ocean

A Short Biography of Archbishop Antony (Bartoshevich) of Geneva and Western Europe (+ 1993)

The Caretaker of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign," Priest Nicholas Olhovsky: “Faith Lives in the People, Therefore the Nation Lives.”

Ecclesiastical Court: the Experience of the Diaspora

Excerpt from Hieromonk Damascene’s talk on the 30th Anniversary of the Repose of Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), Sept. 2, 2012, at the St. Herman of Alaska Monastery

Syrian Church Representative in US Calls for End to Bloodshed

Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America: “May God Grant That Our Conciliar Prayers, the Communion of the Archpastors, Pastors and Flock, and Our Joint Immersion Into the Meaning of the Celebration, Help Our Renewal for the Better.” 

Interview with His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada on the 400th Anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty

Sermon by Protopriest Leonid Kolchev (+1944), on the 6th Sunday of Pentecost

The Orthodox Monastery in Munich in the Eyes of a Resident

Fr. Victor Lochmatow, “Metropolitan Laurus Led the Church by His Humility”

Archbishop Mark (Arndt): Advice to Potential Monastics

Sermon by Archbishop Savva of Australia and New Zealand (+1976) on the Feast Day of SS Peter and Paul

Protopriest Andrei Sommer: Missionary of the Diaspora and Russian Citizen

“You Must Go to Bethany--the Lord Will Keep You Safe” Interview with Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky), Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission.

THE ENDING OF THE PASCHAL STICHERA (A Liturgical Note) - Protopriest Rostislav Gan (+1975).

The 80th Anniversary of the Death of  Schema-Archimandrite Amvrosy (Kurganov) is Marked in Serbia

Keynote Address of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia to Seminary Graduates at the Annual Commencement Ceremonies of Holy Trinity Seminary

Interview with Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe

“We Must Follow the Example of the Ancient Saints” A Discussion with His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

A Trip With a Creative Touch

The USA, the New Home of Diveevo Convent.

Russian Orthodoxy in America—a Time of Opportunity

A Church Built by Saints

Patriarch Kirill Discusses the Romanov Dynasty

Protopriest Rostislav Gan: THE CROSS OF SALVATION


ARCHBISHOP TIKHON (Troitsky) On the 50 th Anniversary of His Repose

Bishop John of Caracas and South America: “My Chief Goal is to Heal Schism and Return the Flock to Our Churches”

Project Tikhvin: Time to Work…

On Confession and Communion, Language of Divine Services and Monasticism: An Interview with Archbishop Mark (Arndt)

PRAYER OF REPENTANCE - Sermon of Metropolitan Vitaly (Oustinov, +2006) of blessed memory on the feast day of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God (on his Namesday)

Archbishop Mark grants a Russian-Language Intervew to Vesti.ru.

IN MEMORY OF MY SPIRITUAL FATHER - Towards the 30th anniversary of the death of Bishop Nektary (Kontsevich, +1983)

Protopriest Victor Potapov on Stalin: "The Name of a Butcher and the Podvig of the Russian People are Incompatible."

Archbishop Michael of Geneva on the Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church

Abbess Moisseia on the Holy Land

Sermon by Protopriest Leonid Kolchev (+1944) on the 30th Sunday After Pentecost

Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff Discusses the Nativity Services

Sermon by Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky, +1936) of Kiev and Galich on the feast day of St Nicholas the Wonderworker

Voice of Russia Interviews Protopriest Alexander Lebedeff

With One Heart, In One Spirit: St Elizabeth Convent in Buchendorf - Part 2

With One Heart, In One Spirit:  St Elizabeth Convent in Buchendorf - Part 1

Bishop Alexander (Mileant): On the Entrance Into the Temple of the Most-Holy Mother of God

Sermon of Archbishop Simon (Vinogradov, +1933) on the 26th Sunday of Pentecost

In Memory of Archbishop Simon (Vinogradov)

"Confession: The Path to Renewal of the Heart" - A Lecture by Archimandrite Irinei (Steenberg) at the Joint Pastoral Conference in Nyack

"Five Pillars of Pastoral Care" - A Lecture by Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov at the Joint Pastoral Conference in Nyack

The Fund for Assistance Asks "What if There Were No Jordanville"

What is Life Like for Youth in Parishes Abroad?

Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern American and New York: “We Must Go to God”

Orthodoxy in Pakistan

Nikon Zhila: “Trips Like This Help Us Strengthen Our Spiritual Communion”

Protopriest Gregory Joyce:  “We Teach Our Parishioners That We Are Missionaries in America”

Orthodox California: “Christ is All, and In All”

(Now-Protopriest) Victor Boldewskul In Memory of Archimandrite Sergius (Romberg, +1992)

Holy Hieromartyr Seraphim (Chichagov), Metropolitan of Petrograd (+1937): Sermon on the Transfiguration of the Lord

Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky): Sermon on the Transfiguration of the Lord

Young Missionaries Return from a Journey of Memories, Sorrows and Spiritual Joy

"St. Vladimir’s Candle" – A New Documentary about St. Vladimir Memorial Church

Thoughts of Protopriest Victor Ilienko of Blessed Memory on the Feast Day of St Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles

Sermon by Archbishop Savva of Australia and New Zealand (+1976) on the Feast Day of SS Peter and Paul

Sermon of Archbishop Feofan (Bystrov), formerly of Poltava (+1940), on the Feast Day of SS Peter and Paul

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill addresses a youth delegation of the Russian Church Abroad

Sermon of Hieromonk John (Maximovich) on his election as Bishop of Shanghai

Protection Church in Melbourne  Interview with Fr Nicholas Karipoff

Sermon on the Feast Day of All Russian Saints:  St John of Shanghai and San Francisco 

"We Always Prayed for the Unity of Our Church” Interview with His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion by the Nizhny Novgorod Diocesan Press Service

Sermon by Bishop Mitrofan (Znosko-Borovsky, +2002) of Boston on the Sunday of All Saints

Appeal of Protopriest Mitrofan Znosko-Borovsky on the Consecration of Dormition Church in Casablanca (January 1958)  

Towards the 20th Anniversary of the Episcopal Service of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, Secretary of the Synod of Bishops

"Strength in Unity: Memorial Day at St. Tikhon’s Monastery"

Archpriest Andrew Phillips: On the Apostasy of Europe and the Russian Royal Martyrs

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov:  “The Mystery of the Reestablishment of Unity has Occurred”

Protopriest Serafim Gan:  “We United in the Glorification of the New Martyrs”

Priest Alexey Chumakov: Obama’s Support of Homosexuals is Part of His Reelection Campaign

The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate Interviews Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

The Light Always With Us  Interview with Protopriest Alexey Ohotin, Rector of Annunciation of the Most-Holy Mother of God Church in New York

"Heaven on Earth" (Russian-language documentary on Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY)

The Myrrh-Bearing Women—an Example to Us All - Archbishop Averky (Taushev)

Sermon of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia during the funeral of the Head of the House of Romanovs, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, in St Isaac Cathedral in St Petersburg, April 16/29, 1992

Sermon by Bishop Evtikhy of Domodedovo on the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy on Great Wednesday

Sermon on Palm Sunday by Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky, +1985)

Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov's lecture on the life and legacy of Archbishop Vitaly (Maximenko)

Audio of Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff's Russian-language sermon on the 4th Sunday of Great Lent.

Earthquake in Mexico: Archimandrite Nektarios and the Mission survive: the Monastery continues to struggle

“I Will Sing Praises Unto My God While I Have Any Being” (Concert of Liturgical Music by the Holy Virgin Cathedral Choir of San Francisco)

Archbishop Alypy of Chicago and Mid-America - My Life Story

Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York: “The Reunification of the Two Parts of the Russian Church, Abroad and in the Homeland, is a Great Good”

Nun Vassa (Larin): "What Does Liturgical Studies Mean, and What is It For?" (Russian-language lecture given at the Orthodox Seminar of the German Diocese, December 2001)

How the Russian Church Marked the 300th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of St Ermogen in 1912.

The Patriarchal Epistle On the Occasion of the 400th Anniversary Of the Repose of Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow & All Russia

Choir Director of the Cathedral Choir of San Francisco, Vladimir Krassovsky:  “We Continue to Fight to Preserve Our Traditions”

Nicholas (Kasatkin), Archbishop of Japan (In Memory of the 100th Anniversary of His Blessed Repose)

Youth is “For Life”! 

The Law of God for Thailand

St Alexander Schmorell: “No Country Will Replace Russia for Me.”

“When We Serve Our Neighbor, We Serve God.” Interview with Protopriest Victor Potapov

The Younger Years of New Martyr Alexander Schmorell

Sermon on the Epiphany of the Lord by Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky, +1936)

Preserving Orthodoxy in the Hands of Our Youth

“Even While They Teach, Men Learn”  Interview with Hieromonk Iov (Gumerov)

Metropolitan Alexander of Astanai and Kazakhstan: “Prayerful Communion with the Saints is Needed by Every Believing Heart”

Nativity Epistle of Archbishop Vitaly (Maximenko, +1960) of North America and Jersey City

Appeal of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna to help build a monument to Holy Martyr Patriarch Germogen in Moscow

Milkovo Monastery of the Entrance into the Temple (from the history of Russian monasticism abroad)

The Mystery of the Patriarch 

"We Must Now Be Together With the Russian People" (The Australian Journal Edinenie interviews His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada)

Alexei Sloboskoy’s Speech on the 40th-Anniversary Memorial  for Protopriest Seraphim Slobodskoy

Bishop Alexander (Mileant): The Joyous Feast of the Pumpkin (Halloween)

Protopriest Andrei Sommer:  “Today’s Youth Must Follow the Lead of the Apostles” 

“I Dreamt of the Priesthood Since Childhood” A Conversation with the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Hieromonk Irinei: "The Orthodox Approach to Mission: Transforming the Heart of the World"

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: “My Participation in the Translation of the Relics”

Archbishop Mark of Berlin, Germany and Great Britain: “Visiting Kazakhstan, I Feel In My Heart That This is an Antimension Under the Open Skies.”

“The Roads Are Not Paved With Gold”: Katherine Kallaur interviewed by the official website of the Izhevsk Diocese.

The Nativity of the Mother of God at the Home of the Hodigitria of the Russian Diaspora 

FROM THE BRONX TO ST VLADIMIR HILL, NEW JERSEY On the 35th anniversary of the death of Archbishop Nikon (Rklitsky). 

“Podvizhniki in the Art of the Choir” Interview with Georgy Safonov

“Great in the Lord is Seraphim!”: Father Seraphim and the American Heartland

Archbishop Mark of Berlin, Germany and Great Britain: “Our Primary Goal is Missionary Work”

St John (Maximovich): Sermon on the Transfiguration of the Lord

August 16, the Feast Day of St Anthony the Roman, Heavenly Protector of Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky)

Archbishop Seraphim (Dulgov): “What a Joy it is to Be a Priest!”

Church Feast Days When the Cross is Brought Out for Veneration (From the Munich Cathedral website)

On Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky, +1936) of Blessed Memory on the 75th Anniversary of His Repose.

St John (Maximovich, +1966): Wherein Lies the Moral Power of Holy Prince Vladimir?

The Baptism of Rus and the Legacy to the Russian People of Holy Prince Vladimir

The Unlost Generation: The 12th All-Diaspora Russian Orthodox Youth Conference 

“What I Miss After a Week in Paris”

Sermon of Archbishop Leontii (Filippovich, +1971) (on the 40th anniversary of his repose)

“An Arab Woman With a Russian Soul” A conversation with Nun Veronica (Raheb) of Holy Ascension Convent on the Mount of Olives.

Do You Know What Lent Really Means? (Article from the Munich Cathedral)

The Orthodox Mission in Paris 

“The Caribbean Bishop”:  Bishop John of Caracas and South America gives an interview to Neskuchniy sad

Protopriest Michael Boikov: “Only Love and Brotherly Love Can Unite People”

Bishop Theodosius of Seattle “Missionary Work Begins with Good Deeds, Respect and Friendship.”

Speech by Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, Primate of the Russian Church Abroad, at the celebration of his enthronement (towards the 3rd anniversary of the event)

St John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco the Miracle-Worker: “The Conqueror of Death”

Eulogy by Bishop Laurus (Shkurla, +2008) of Manhattan for Archbishop Averky (Taushev) of Syracuse and Holy Trinity (on the 35th Anniversary of His Repose)

Archbishop Nikon (Rklitsky, +1976): “Archbishop Averky Traveled His 70-Year Path as a True Servant of God and an Angelic Monk” (on the 35th Anniversary of the Repose of Archbishop Averky (Taushev)

In Memory of Hieromonk Ignaty (Trepatchko, +1991)  By Archbishop Laurus of Syracuse and Holy Trinity (later Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, +2008)

Archbishop Alypy of Chicago and Mid-America: “Brethren, Ye Have Been Called Unto Liberty” (Galatians 5:13)

Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Great Britain speaks with the students of Sretensky Theological Seminary

Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff: “The Meaning of the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross; Finding the ‘Wood of the Cross’ in the Middle of Great Lent to Find Strength to Continue”

Bishop John of Caracas and South America: “We Are Building a Diocese Brick by Brick”

Protopriest Andrei Sommer: “Bringing the Good News to the World Through Our Deeds” 

Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff: Sermon on the Publican and the Pharisee

Alexei Savin: In Memory of Protopriest Rostislav Gan (On the 75th anniversary of his ordination and 100th anniversary of his birth)

The Irmos by Protopriest Rostislav Gan

Protopriest Andrei Sommer: “The coming All-Diaspora Youth Conference will set the stage for a mass youth forum in Russia”

Protopriest Andrei Sommer: “It is Important to Work Together”

"A Scientific Orthodox View of False Historiography" A Message from Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart and Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff

A Christmas Present from the Patriarch (Interview with Protopriest Andrei Sommer) 

Deacon Andrei Psarev: The History of the Russian Church Abroad in Portraits of Her Faithful Servants

“His Spiritual Signature and Guidance Are Subject to the Hand of God.”

"The Hope of ROCOR Members in Mexico--Igumen Nektariy" - The Fund for Assistance reports on the Abbot of Holy Trinity Skete in Mexico

“Orthodoxy—the Only Alternative” - Interview with Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart

Vladislav Zaraisky: The Boston Symposia

"We Must Examine What Our Goal Is and What Fruit We Hope to Obtain" Interview with Fr Ilya Limberger

Deacon Andrei Psarev: "Academic Research Work Mixes Poorly with Priestly Service"

Nicholas Ganson: “Displaced Persons and the Russian Colony in Morocco” 

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill: “No revolution on the path of further strengthening of the unity of the Russian Church in the Fatherland and abroad is expected”

"I will protect my parishioners no matter what..." Interview with Hegumen Nektariy, Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico.

Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev): A Monk Until His Last Breath

Interview with Protopriest George Lapardin, Senior Priest of SS Peter and Paul Cathedral in Sydney, Australia. (On the 20th anniversary of his priesthood)

Hegumen Seraphim (Voepel): “The Orthodox Spiritual Life is About a Relationship With the God-Man Jesus Christ, the Creator of All Things.”

Interview with AL Gurevich, Editor of “Religious Figures and Writers of the Russian Emigration”

Protopriest Serafim Gan  “Metropolitan Innokenty, Missionary and Re-establisher of the  Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Peking”  (To the 90th anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia) 

Bishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada: About the One Thing Needful

Protopriest Martin Swanson: Interview with Ancient Faith Radio

Protopriest Victor Potapov: Along the Yenisei River, to the Land of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia

Protopriest Serafim Gan: “In Line With the Legacy of St Seraphim, Vladyka Laurus Strove to Acquire the Spirit of Peace, He Restored Unity in the Church, and as a Result, Thousands of Souls Are Being Saved.”

Bishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe: “The Most Important Things Is to Remember Where You Live and How You Live With Your Legacy, and To Guard Against Sin.”

Faith and Works in Solovki

“Russians in Costa Rica Need Only an Orthodox Church”: Interview with Nikolai Zakharov, Warden of Mother of God of Vladimir Community in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Metropolitan Ilarion of Volokolamsk: “There Must Be Nothing Demeaning In the Process of Returning From Schism.”

Hieromonk Irinei: ‘Their Proclamation Has Gone Out Into All the Earth…’ The Feast Day of Chief Apostles Peter and Paul.

Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York: “The Spiritual Unity of Our Church Already Exists—Structural Unity is a Matter of Time”

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: The First Lady of Russia visits the Church Abroad

St John (Maximovich):  “I look for the Resurrection of the dead, and the Life of the age to come.” 

Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York:  “A United Church is Indomitable”

Nun Vassa (Larin): Theology is Instructive If Studied Competently

Archpriest Peter PEREKRESTOV: IN MEMORIUM: Archpriest Alexey Poluektov

“Interaction with Orthodox youth is like fresh air for an asthmatic.” Protopriest Andrei Sommer about a recent trip to Russia

"To call a Haitian person lazy is to call a rose a stone…” Serge McKenzie on his recent trip to Haiti

“Igor Sikorsky Stood at the Foundation of Our Parish” A conversation with Protopriest Theodore Shevzov, Stratford, CT

The Angel of the Erie Church. Towards the Bright Memory of Bishop Daniel.  Interview with Priest Ioann Miroliubov 

“Many Clergymen and Laity of the South-American Diocese are Isolated from the Rest of the Church”
A conversation with the First Hierarch of ROCOR, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York.

“The Russian Orthodox Church will never remain silent in Her care for or sorrow over the fates of the Russian people." An Interview with Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk

“We have shared roots, and for this reason the Lord has brought us together.” - An Interview with Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov

Deacon Andrei Psarev: Archbishop Vitaly (Maximenko, +1960) A Historical Portrait on the 50th Anniversary of His Repose

“Holiness cannot be feigned, one must strive towards holiness.”
(Towards the second anniversary of the repose of Metropolitan Laurus of blessed memory.)

"We All Know That Our Homeland Is Russia, and Russian Blood Flows In Our Veins” The youth of the Cathedral of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” speak at the opening of the International St Tatiana Youth Meetings in St Petersburg

“We Are Back, but Our Hearts Remain in St Petersburg”: A youth group from the US receives the honorary medal of St Tatiana

“I Saw Christ the Savior Cathedral Going Up Before My Very Eyes” Interview with Prince Vladimir Galitzine

Priest Sergei Sveshnikoff: The Spiritual Significance of Fort Ross 

The Daily Life and Holidays of the Main Cathedral of Russia

The Curricula The Law of God and Foundations of Orthodox Culture: the Goal is the Same, But the Challenges Differ Interview with Archbishop Mark (Arndt) of Berlin, Germany and Great Britain

"Extremism Is Always a Source of Evil” Ekonomicheskije strategii interviews Metropolitan Hilarion

"Members of the Haiti Mission are afraid of the future..." an interview with Deacon Matthew Williams

Deacon Matthew Williams: "The Haitian Mission's Most Pressing Needs"

Gethsemane Convent remembers Archimandrite Joasaph (McLellan), Head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, with sorrow and love (on the 40th day of his repose)

“The Goal of the Russian Church Abroad Was to Preserve Church Traditions” - Interview with the President of the Russian Nobility Association in America, Cyril Erastovich Geacintov

An American With An Un-American Destiny

“Our Main Mission is to Sing to God and Help People Pray” - Interview with the Choir Director of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Sign in New York

"The Role of a Primate is to Unite Everyone and Hold Them Together” An interview with His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion.

Priest Sergei Sveshnikoff: On the Beginning of Nativity Lent

Archbishop Amfilohije of Cetinje, Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Coastlands, Locum Tenens of the Serbian Patriarchal Throne: Sermon to Serbia on the Repose of Patriarch Pavle

Sister Vassa Larin: Orthodoxy Is Not a Religion of Fear

We Must Love Our Service to the Church, Understanding That It is a Labor of Grace in the Harvest-Fields of Christ - Interview with Protopriest Michael Boikov

I Accepted the Calling of First Hierarch As an Obedience Before the Holy Church: An interview with Metropolitan Hilarion

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion: A Unified Russian Church is a Great Spiritual Force


A Holy Orthodox Icon of the Whole World - The following is an interview with Protopriest Serafim Gan, head of the Working Group of the visit of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God to Russia.

"The importance of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Haiti": Interview by Archpriest Victor Potapov, Executive Director of the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia with His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York

"We find ourselves in a critical position" A Conversation with Bishop John (Berzin) of Caracas, Administrator of the Parishes of the Russian Church Abroad in South America 

Protopriest Victor Potapov, Executive Director of the Fund for Assistance, Interviews Priest Gregoire Legoute of Haiti

The Myrrhbearers: A Unique Female Choir In the Russian Diaspora

Protopriest Andrei Sommer: “Our youth is the best witness of living Orthodoxy.” 

"Orthodox Russians Revere the Sanctity of God's Temples": Interview with Mitred Protopriest Michael Protopopov

Indonesia Awaits the Word of God: Discussion with Archimandrite Daniel (Byantoro), Head of the Orthodox Mission in Indonesia

Interview with Archimandrite Joasaph, Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem

Protopriest Yaroslav Belikov: Schools of the Russian Diaspora

Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff (Munich): On the Local Council of 2009

Protopriest Andrei Papkov: "We Were Raised to Love Russia"

“I have exalted one chosen from among the people” In Memory of Metropolitan Laurus

Haven for the Overwhelmed

Granddaughters of Tsarist Russia

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion "The Lord Has Expressed His Will"

A Conversation with Bishop Jerome of Manhattan: “I have felt and continue to feel myself quite at home with the Russian people”.

Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff: On the Repose of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia



Protopriest Yaroslav Belikov:  "The Experience of the Spiritual Training the Youth in the Organization of Young Russian Scouts" 

Conversation with Protopriest Andrei Sommer: "HERE, IN RUSSIA, WE FELT A SPIRITUAL BOND WITH OUR ROOTS…"

Protopriest Alexander Shargunov: The Murder of the Anointed of God

Vladika Hilarion: The Russian Orthodox Church Can Leave the World Council of Churches

Deacon Jan Veselak : On the Psychology of Schism

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: On the 40th day of the repose of His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus: “If then ye are My friends, ye will do as I do”

On the 40th Day of the Repose of the Primate of ROCOR, His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus (Shkurla) 

Nun Martha (Wall): Difficult Service in the Muslim World

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: "Let Us Thank God Not Only For the Time to Repent, But to Labor for the Church and for Constructive Work"

His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus: "FOR THE SAKE OF UNITING ALL"

Archbishop Mark: “From Obraz to Obrazovanie” A lecture presented at the 16th International Nativity Readings

Priest James BAGLIEN: The Golden Compass: “Not all is gold that glitters”

Bernard le Caro, Member of the IV All-Diaspora Council:"True Orthodoxy or Arrogation?"

Nun Vassa (Larin): What is the "Orthodox Episcopate of the Russian Church"?

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: “The Church’s Helmsman, Both Then and Now, is the Almighty Spirit of God”

Priest Andrew Phillips (Great Britain): Why Am I For the Unity of the Russian Church? – it is Because the Devil is Against It.

Jean Maier: The IV All-Diaspora Council - Thoughts and Comments of a Delegate

Protopriest Alexander Lebedeff: Canonical Assessment of the "Act of Canonical Communion" (Lecture at the IV All-Diaspora Council)

Short Biography of St Jonah of Hankou (On the 10th anniversary of his canonization)

A Brief Biography of Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev, +2000)

On the 100th Anniversary of Metropolitan Anastassy's Consecration to the Episcopate

Priest George Lardas: "On Talks with the Moscow Patriarchate"

Protopriest Nikolai Artemoff: What Does Canonical Communion Mean for Us?

Protopriest Nicholas Karypov: "What Must We Do to Raise our Ecclesiastical Culture?"

Hilarion, Bishop of Vienna and Austria: Interview with Bishop Hilarion of Vienna and Austria, Head of the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church to the European Institutions, with the Official Website of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Archpriest Victor Potapov: How Are We Preparing for the All-Diaspora Council?

Nun Vassa (Larin): "Glory be to God, Who Did Not Abandon His Church"

Nun Vassa (Larina): The Ecclesiastical Principle of Oikonomia and the ROCOR under Metropolitan Anastassy

Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev, +2000): "One Must Not Abandon Christ on the Day of the Resurrection."

Protopriest Nikolai Dombrowski (+1979): "Lent as a Divine Establishment and Spiritual Remedy"

Hiermonk Seraphim (Rose, +1982): "Great Lent, Our Exile"

Protopriest Victor Potapov: "The Russian Ecclesiastical Mission of the Church Abroad Not Only Preserved the Pre-Revolutionary Properties of the Russian Church in the Holy Land, But Added to Them."

Archimandrite Panteleimon: "In Prayer I Began to Ask God to Lead Me on the True Path"

Archimandrite Amvrosii (Pogodin, +2004): Occasional Pastoral Notes (towards the 40th day of his repose) .

His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus: "On St Paisius Velichkovsky" (on the 210th anniversary of his death)

Protopriest Peter Perekrestov: "Vladyka Anthony Did Not Seek Formal Obedience But Desired the Hearts of His Co-servants."

Bishop Lukian of Budim: "The Enemy Sought to Destroy Orthodoxy, but Through the Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, it has Spread Throughout the Globe."

In Memory of Archimandrite Sergei (Romberg, +1992)

Priest Serafim Gan: "On the Vital Question"

Protopriest Alexander Lebedeff: It is Time to Know Our History

In Memory of Archimandrite Vladimir (+ August 7/20, 1988)

Priest Serafim Gan: Archbishop Yuvenaly (towards the 80th anniversary of the Mother of God of Kazan Monastery, Harbin, China)

Archpriest Valentin Sventsitsky: The Holiness of the Church


St. John (Maximovich, +1966): "The Church of Christ Shall Not Be Impoverished."

Reader G. Skok: The Righteous Live Forever

Priest Sergei Sveshnikov: Opinion on "Same-sex Marriage"

Deacon Nikolai Savchenko clarifies the text of the Seminar of the Office of External Church Affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate on the relationship between the Russian Church and the State

Conference on the History of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 20th Century (1917-1933)

Archbishop SERAPHIM: The Kursk Icon with the Russian Exiles in Germany and Western Europe

The Second Ecclesio-Historical Conference "The History of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 20th c. (1930-1948)"

I.M Andreev: The Trial of Patriarch Tikhon

From the Editors of the Synod Website on the Publication of Joint Documents of the Commissions, June 2005


Official website of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
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Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.
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