The Southern Great-Lenten Pastoral Retreat of the Eastern American Diocese takes place
On Wednesday, April 13, 2022, the Southern Lenten Diocesan Clergy Retreat concluded with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts in St Mary of Egypt Church in Roswell (Atlanta), GA.
After the hours and typica, more than 35 priests and deacons assembled themselves to greet His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Manhattan. Praying in the altar was His Eminence Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen).
The parish choir prayerfully adorned the service. Despite its being a workday, many local parishioners came and received Christ’s Holy Mysteries.
At the conclusion of Liturgy, Bishop Nicholas delivered a sermon in which he reminded all to complete the remainder of the Great Fast in prayer and contemplation, in order to triumphantly greet our Lord as He enters Jerusalem. He also expressed his gratitude to parish rector Archimandrite John (Townsend) and the parishioners for their generous hospitality.
A group photograph was taken, after which all gathered for a farewell lenten luncheon on the church portico.
