PARIS: October 26, 2021
Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe visits Resurrection Church in Meudon
On October 24, 2021, the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe made an archpastoral visit to the Resurrection Parish in Meudon, France. This was Bishop Irenei’s first visit to the parish since taking up residency in the Diocese, two previous visits having been arranged but ultimately cancelled due to the strict Covid-related travel restrictions in France over this period.
It was thus with special joy that the parish rector, Archpriest Michael Goudkoff welcomed Vladyka Irenei to the parish, and the community welcomed its Archpastor into their midst after the long period of pandemic-related struggles.
His Grace was met at the airport in Paris by the parish’s Deacon Alexander Boldyreff, who conveyed Vladyka to the parish and to a small tea prior to vigil. Having served with the parish clergy, the evening afforded an opportunity to visit with the parish council over dinner, at which aspects of the history, life and future of the Meudon parish were discussed. On Sunday morning, His Grace was greeted at the porch of the church in the traditional manner with bread and salt, and headed the Divine Liturgy which was sung by the parish’s choir with great solemnity.
At the little entrance, Bishop Irenei laid the mitre upon the head of Archpriest Michael, one of the most senior clergymen of the Diocese, on behalf of the Holy Synod of Bishops. At the same time, he bestowed upon Deacon Alexander the right to wear the double orarion, in honor of his years of service in the holy diaconate.
In his homily, Vladyka reflected upon the Apostle of the day, in which is found the phrase, “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9.7). His Grace remarked: “In order for us to be, in truth, the children of our God, we must do more than simply honour Him: we must conform our lives to His. This is why the Apostle says that ‘God loves a cheerful giver’: because the one who ‘sows sparingly’ and therefore ‘reaps sparingly’ is hardly one who bears a likeness to his Creator! Such a person is not one in whom God can take delight, for God created man in His own image, in order to attain His likeness, as we hear in the Scriptures (Genesis 1.27) - and someone who does not give of his heart and life, and do so joyfully, can never be called ‘like’ the God Who made us! But one who joyfully gives of his heart, who ‘sows bountifully,’ this is one who emulates his Maker; and this is the same one who joins in the triumph and glory of his Maker, for the one who sows bountifully ‘will also reap bountifully’ - the Lord will cause his generosity of spirit to bear fruit, and the good that the Lord desires to be done by such a man’s hands, will be accomplished.”
The bishop noted how fitting it was to hear these teachings from the Apostle on the day when high Church awards were bestowed upon the clergy of the Meudon parish. “It is a joy to be able to reflect upon such wonderful and life-creating words,” Vladyka said, “in the course of a Liturgy in which I have, despite my own unworthiness, been able to bestow upon the Deacon of this parish the double-horarion, and upon its Rector the mitre. We use the word ‘awards’ for these marks of distinction bestowed upon worthy clergymen, but it is important to understand what we mean by this term, employed in a Church context. The Church does not ‘award’ clergymen for reasons of personal pride or honor, nor yet because of some specific, worldly accomplishment or ‘impact’ upon the world or even the Church. The awards of the Church are intended to symbolize a spiritual reality - precisely the reality the Apostle expresses in his words today, that ‘God loves a cheerful giver.’ The life of each Christian is to be one of self-offering, of giving oneself for the aid and support of others, and this we see clearly in the lives of these clerics who love and serve and give of themselves on behalf of the flock of Christ.”
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Vladyka bestowed gramotas upon the Starosta of the parish, Vladimir Borisovich Mashtalere, as well as Mrs Olga Alexandrovna Andreoli and Mr and Mrs Andre and Helene Ritter, long-standing members of the parish who tirelessly assist in its life and works. “Many Years” was sung for the hierarchy of the Church Abroad, the clergy, the recipients of the gramotas and all the faithful of the Meudon parish. The newly-mitred Archpriest Michael then greeted Bishop Irenei on behalf of all the parishioners with warm words, expressing deep gratitude to him for his arrival, for his pastoral love, joint prayer, spiritual support and spiritual joy brought to everyone; after which the sisterhood prepared a buffet and during the fraternal meal, those who wished were able to approach Vladyka in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, in order to get to know him better and speak together.
In the late afternoon, an excursion was organized to the church and relics of St Genevieve of Paris, for whom Vladyka has a deep veneration, and he and other members of the parish were able to pray there for her intercessions for the Church and the world. They also visited the house in Meudon where St John had lived during his time in the region whilst Ruling Bishop of the Diocese - as also had various other notable figures in the Church Abroad of the period.
Bishop Irenei spent Sunday night in Meudon, and returned to London Monday morning. Remarking on the weekend, the Parish Rector stated, “Vladyka’s visit left the most pleasant impression on everyone and will remain an unforgettable day for us. Thank God for everything!”
