NEW YORK: October 16, 2020
The annual session of the Metropolitan Laurus Synodal Liturgical Music School is held
With God’s help, despite the prevailing conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, the Metropolitan Laurus Synodal School of Liturgical Music successfully completed its annual session. Because quarantine rules prevented the School from meeting as always at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, the administration decided to hold the program entirely online.
Classes were taught using Zoom and Skype technology. In addition, taking into consideration the complicated circumstances in which the pandemic has placed both students and professors, the session was expanded from the usual two weeks to two months, lasting from June 15 to August 15, 2020. In the end, more than thirty students from all ends of the United States, Canada, and Europe completed classes in Typicon, Church Music History, Church Slavonic, Liturgical Performance Practice, Choral Methods, Music Theory, Sight-Singing, and Vocal Pedagogy. Students also took part in private and group lessons in conducting and voice.
