SAN FRANCISCO: July 1, 2019
"Joy of All Who Sorrow" Cathedral hosts the 25th-anniversary celebrations of the canonization of St John (Maximovich) (photo-report)
On June 28-29, 2019, the Cathedral of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" in San Francisco hosted the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the canonization of St John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco the Miracle-worker.
Heading the festivities was His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, along with His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany; His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America; His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada; His Grace Bishop Irenei of Richmond and Western Europe; His Grace Bishop Paisie of Lugoj (Romanian Orthodox Church); His Grace Bishop Theodosius of Seattle; His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, the cathedral’s clergymen and clerics of other Local Orthodox Churches. The Archbishop’s Choir sang joyously under the direction of Vladimir Krassovsky; the cathedral was filled with a multitude of parishioners.
During the minor entrance at Divine Liturgy, Abbot James (Corazza) was elevated to the rank of archimandrite, Priest Sergey Kiryukhin was granted the golden pectoral cross from the Synod of Bishops. Bishop Irenei delivered a sermon before Holy Communion. After the service, a moleben to St John was performed, followed by a procession of the cross around the cathedral.
The archpastors, clergymen and worshipers then shared a festive banquet at San Francisco’s Russian Center, sharing memories of the holy man and his life and miracles.
Photos: Ken Hogland.
