KURSK: October 2, 2014
A Delegation of the Russian Church Abroad Participates in Feast-Day Celebrations at the Church of SS Vera, Nadezhda, Lubov and their Mother Sophia
On September 30, 2014, the feast day of SS Vera, Nadezhda, Lubov and their Mother Sophia, His Eminence Metropolitan German of Kursk and Rylsk and His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany, who is leading a delegation of clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, celebrated Divine Liturgy in the church dedicated to the saints in north-west Kursk.
The hierarchs were joined by clergymen of the Kursk Diocese and the Russian Church Abroad, who are accompanying the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign" to the region.
The church was properly adorned to welcome the icon and the worshipers. The Holy Gifts of Christ were partaken by a majority of the faithful, among them many people celebrating their namesday, including families with children.
At the end of Divine Liturgy, a procession of the cross and moleben to the saints were performed.
The bishops then addressed the worshipers and congratulated Protopriest Andrei Ivanov, the rector of the parish, as well as the other clergymen and parishioners, and asked them to emulate the ardor of SS Vera, Nadezhda, Lubov and Sophia, who are examples of how to bear our own crosses. Metropolitan German thanked Archbishop Mark for joining him in the service and gave him a set of vestments to memorialize his visit.
In accordance with tradition, the parishioners were treated to a traditional trapeza feast. A concert concluded the celebrations featuring students of the parish school. Vladyka German then thanked the children for their wonderful performance.
Press Service of the Kursk Diocese
Photo: EA Volobueva
