ORPR Camp Celebrates the Feast Day of St Vladimir In its 50th Anniversary Year
While celebrating its jubilee anniversary in Lost Lake, Illinois, ORPR Camp hosted a festal Divine Liturgy on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 for the feast of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir, the Camp’s heavenly protector and the patron of the parish located at Vladimirovo. His Grace Bishop Peter, Chairman of the ORPR Board, led the hierarchical services along with His Grace Bishop Longin (Serbian Orthodox Church) and His Grace Bishop Mark (Antiochian Orthodox Church). Archpriest John Sykaluk, Rector of St Vladimir Church, was the senior of the six priests who served along with Fr Deacon Kevin Kalish. The clergy came from the Russian, Serbian, Antiochian and Georgian Orthodox Churches.
All 65 campers partook of Holy Communion after preparing with confession on Tuesday. The choir, readers, bell ringers and altar servers for both the festal vigil and hierachical Liturgy were campers who had been preparing for these services throughout the 4-week-long camp session.
Liturgy concluded with a festal moleben and procession of the cross. At the end of the moleben, His Grace Bishop Peter presented Mrs Helen Pregl, nee Victorov, with a gramata from His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, congratulating the camp organization on its jubilee. Mrs Pregl participated in the first camp session and received the gramata on behalf of all those who have participated over the years.
ORPR Camp will be celebrating its 50th anniversary with a series of events in Chicago and Lost Lake over Labor Day weekend.
For more information, see the camp website: http://www.orprcamp.org/50th-anniversary
