NEW YORK: February 24, 2021
The First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad sends condolences on the repose of Protodeacon Basil Hadarin

From the Editors: On Sunday, February 14, 2021, on the eve of the feast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple, Protodeacon Basil Hadarin, long-time cleric of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, departed in the Lord. Fr Basil was ordained to the deaconate by Archimandrite Pavel (Pavlov) of blessed memory in 1983. He served in three churches of the Central Deanery of the diocese: the large Protection Church, Archangel Michael Church and the Church of Our Lady of Kazan Convent. The funeral was performed by His Grace Bishop George of Canberra at Protection Church in Cabramatta, where Fr Basil served most often, along with a host of clergymen and a large gathering of worshipers. The burial took place at the Russian Orthodox Cemetery in Sydney. A message of condolence from His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, was read:

Dear in the Lord Fathers, Brothers and Sisters:

I hereby express my profound empathy for the sorrow of servant of God Irina, Fr Basil’s spouse, his children, relatives, friends and all who have gathered. May the Lord bless the reposed with His eternal peace, and all of you with His condolence and heavenly aid.

In performing his service, Fr Basil censed us in church, reminding us that we are called to holiness, that we as believers are created in the image and likeness of God, we are holy by potential and that each one of us is an icon. Raising his orarion, he summoned us to prayer. He heralded the Word of God. He piously served before the Mysteries in which we participated and which sanctify our souls and bodies, our lives, drawing us nearer to God.

Preserving the memory of his service, let us not forget that we are all called to holiness, let us not abandon prayer, the reading of the Word of God and actively participate in the mysteries of the Liturgical life of the Church of Christ, praying with all our hearts for Fr Protodeacon Basil, that the All-Merciful Lord grant him repose with His saints! Amen.

Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York,
Archbishop of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand,
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.


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