SYNOD OF BISHOPS: 23 July 2004

To Archpastors, Pastors and Laymen
of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

On the site of the murder of the Royal Family in Yekaterinburg today there stands the Church on the Blood. The main altar is consecrated to All Saints who have shone forth in the Russian Land, while another altar, where the Anointed of God martyrically shed his blood along with His Most August family and their faithful servants, was solemnly consecrated to them.

Nine hundred and thirty years after the Baptism of Rus', the Russian land was stained with the blood of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia--with a new baptism.

Today, three generations later, this podvig calls upon all of the Russian people to a renewal of their moral-Christian way of life.

Their faithfulness to Christ is being tested. The faithful in Russia have found the strength to raise on the site of the murder of the Royal Family a church, magnificent and majestic in its size and beauty.

In the bell tower of the Church on the Blood there must still be hung a large bell, weighing many tons. This bell, the "Blagovest," has already been destined, in the hearts and desires of many in contemporary Russia, to be the bell of all the Church Abroad.

In view of this, the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad appeals to everyone to contribute generously for the manufacturing of this bell, that it may be a large as possible. The bell foundry already is waiting to begin this work. The size of the bell will correspond to the amount of the donations. For a suitable size, more than $50,000 will be needed.

For your generosity and participation in this God-pleasing work we call on the blessing of God for all contributors and express our sincere gratitude!

Metropolitan Laurus
6/19 July, 2004

Contributions should be sent to: Synod of Bishops, 75 East 93rd Street, New York, NY 10128, earmarked for "Bell for Russia Fund."